Gaea Powell

The Breast Kept Secret
Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among American women between the age of 40-55, and the high prevalence has spawned a very lucrative industry; from mammography and other dangerous or invasive testing methods, to “preventive” double mastectomies and cancer drugs.

Much effort is placed on trying to detect cancer at an earlier stage. Unfortunately, the conventional recommendation to get regular mammograms has shown to be more harmful than helpful, as research shows ten times as many women are harmed in some way compared to those whose lives are spared by annual mammograms.

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Gaea-Powell - Healing Cancer In This CenturyGAEA POWELL is a Breast Thermography Specialist with over 20 years of experience and in 2009 founded Central Coast Thermography, which has expanded nationally.

Gaea received her first thermogram after her best friend and mother died of breast cancer at 49. After helplessly witnessing her mother’s horrible experience, she was determined to find ways to protect herself from the same fate.

She extensively researched the medical options for the early detection of breast cancer, but was not impressed. Mammograms weren’t an option because she didn’t want her delicate breast tissue to be repeatedly exposed to ionizing radiation known to cause cancer and to be traumatized by mechanical compression that could spread cancer if it were present. However, she was fortunate to discover thermography.

The peace-of-mind her thermovascular “Profile” provides is invaluable, allowing her the opportunity to work with her doctor in monitoring, and addressing physiological changes in her breasts when needed.

When thermograms indicate a problem, women tend to make significant changes in their lifestyle choices to reduce their risk and reverse the disease process. She has also imaged women whose mammograms were negative for decades. Their first thermograms sadly detected a high risk that led to a cancer diagnosis.

In early 2019, Gaea debuted her documentary A Breast Expose’: The Breast Kept Secret, a film to empower women. Learn how to protect your breasts and focus on optimal whole health. Demand full disclosure regarding the risks vs. benefits of all your screening and treatment options as well as unfettered access to all those options. Protect your rights and your life. Create a new paradigm: education, prevention and healing.

Gaea has worked alongside with Dr. Mercola to help spread the word about thermography and preventative strategies on a national level. She looks forward to continuing her mission in helping to educate others regarding thermography and the importance of being your own healthcare advocate.


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