Dr. Thomas Lodi, MD(H), FICT, DAARFM, CNS

The Power of Knowledge
Knowledge will let you live your life so that your body no longer needs to produce cancer. We have to deal with our physical, psychological, and spiritual beings to correct on all levels. Dr. Lodi answers questions from our audience such as the effects of chemo and radiation and the best/least harmful way to monitor potential breast cancer. He also gives advice on what to do if a patient wants to avoid surgery on a tumor and explains the importance of meditation.

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DR. THOMAS LODI, MD(H), FICT, DAARFM, CNS has always been something of a brilliant enigma within the oncology community. His take on integrative, alternative and nutritional solutions to treating cancer has been viewed as radical. The rather direct stance he takes regarding empowering his patient to understand their body’s ability to heal using his program leaves some, if not many estranged. Despite all of this, his treatments have revolutionized the integrative side of the oncology industry worldwide and led many patients with cancer to the root of real healing and health restoration. Nine years ago, Dr. Lodi founded his practice at An Oasis of Healing in Mesa, Arizona. At the time, few if any other centers provided a true mix of conventional and alternative medicine to help patients actually heal from their cancer. Add to the mix an organic whole foods diet, whole body cleansing, and spiritual healing, Dr. Thomas Lodi pioneered what has now become the definitive route for those unsatisfied with the modern cancer treatment system.


  1. Milford Wheeler

    Dear Dr. Lodi, I like what you are saying about Cancer and they say there are several ways to cure Cancer but my son this summer was diagnosed with ALS and lost the use of his right leg and he is only 52 years old and was in the Service where they sprayed Agent Orange and told him he has a One to Three year years to live with no cure. Being a Doctor do you agree or maybe there is a cure fore it as read About Stem Cell research on a cure . I would like to hear your idea of the Diagnosis for him.

    Thank you,



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