Dr. Svetlana Silverman, MD

Oxidative Stress, Direct and Indirect Antioxidants
Dr. Silverman explains what is oxidative stress and the link of oxidative stress to chronic inflammation. The environment you live in plays a crucial role into your oxidative stress. Some of the main categories of chronic inflammation include heart disease, cancer, and “banal” chronicities. Dr. Silverman also delves into NRF2 activation and the two types of antioxidants: direct antioxidants and indirect antioxidants.

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DR. SVETLANA SILVERMAN, MD began her medical career as a pediatric surgeon in the former Soviet Union. After she made Canada her home in 1991, she broadened her studies and work into the field of pathology. As a pathologist, she’s really good at finding the root causes of medical problems. Dr. Silverman is also good at finding ways to heal medical conditions. She has a passion for eating well, living a healthy lifestyle and preventing disease.

Dr. Silverman is a lifelong learner and as such, is widely published and is also a Fellow in the Royal College of Physicians in Canada. As a Royal College Fellow, she’s always enhancing her learning and skills through her commitment to continuing professional development through the Royal College’s Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program.

As well, she has enjoyed teaching over the years and has been honoured with multiple awards for outstanding teaching. The connection she makes between the material and the student is satisfying and motivating to her.

At this point in Dr. Silverman’s life, she desires to integrate her knowledge, experience and passion as she makes herself available to answer people’s medical questions. She is developing askdrsilverman.com so that she can make a difference in individuals’ quality of life. She has worked very hard to become an expert in detecting the root causes of illnesses. Dr. Silverman has also made strides in finding ways to help people heal their bodies.

1 Comment

  1. John c Nash

    Dr. Silverman,Do you have a particular or specific treatment protocol for Borrellia sp. infections?


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