Dianne Porchia, MA, DMBM

Getting Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart
What causes cancer is a very complex question that involves more than only one factor – physical, emotional, and mental. As soon as someone hears the word cancer, their mind automatically goes into fear, which is a natural first reaction to any life-threatening situation. Learn to get out of your head and into your heart; stop the toxic thinking and behavior.

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DIANNE PORCHIA, MA, DMBM, is the founder of Porchia’s WISH™ – Whole Integrated Self Health, Passing Performance™ Holistic Stress Reduction Training for Adults and Teenagers, and Topanga Tonics™ products for healthy living.  She is Featured in HEAL Documentary film for her work with advance stage cancer client Elizabeth who remains No Evidence of Disease NED after diagnosis of stage IV anal cancer.

Porchia has a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology, is a Diplomat of Mind-Body Medicine. She uses the principles and practice of mind-body medicine, effective stress reduction training and a spiritual perspective for a unique holistic approach to healing which supports optimum immune function through high stress provoking life challenges such as divorce, corporate burn-out, death of a loved one, serious illness and cancer.

Dianne Porchia works successfully with many advance stage cancer clients focusing on the mental, emotional, subconscious and spiritual levels. She helps her clients identify core limiting beliefs, facilitates healing of childhood trauma and transforms and an inner saboteur voice into an inner ally to support one’s goals for health, wellness, creating and maintaining loving relationships, spiritual reconnection, success in career, personal growth and creating one’s Life In Balance.


  1. John Kaye

    I’ve been working with BEMER. Here’s what it’s about.

    Why isn’t the cancer industry doing more with Electroceuticals? Email me KayePlan@gmail.com or call 310-218-9057

  2. Roseanne Flinn

    My phone gave you 3 stars but I wanted to give you 5! I really liked your presentation, I have lower back pain, eat well, exercise. It came to me that it was fear of pain that kept it going. So as I release fear I am releasing pain in my back. I am being more revealing and transparent in my interactions with friends, family and even strangers.
    Roseanne Flinn roseflinn@outlook.com

    • carlos

      Thank you Roseanne for your lovely words!
      I’ll convey your message to Diane!

      The most important thing is that you applied what you learned, by watching her video, right away!!!

      Carlos Caridad
      Healing Cancer In This Century
      Founder and Host


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