Stephanie Newton
Healing Starts with a Healthy Emotional Environment
In the many years I have worked with families to allow for healing of one or more family members, I have found that oftentimes a shift is required in the home toward a healthier emotional environment in order for full-potential healing to take place. Healing modalities can help to a point, but true, full, permanent healing takes place when we move toward a new level of peace and consciousness within our relationship with ourselves and with those we interact with regularly.
STEPHANIE NEWTON developed her unique spiritual perspective of the world when her sons were challenged with, and then recovered from multiple chronic illnesses at a very young age. She now has an international homeopathic medicine practice, with a focus on special needs children, based out of West Palm Beach, FL. Stephanie believes that healing starts in the emotional environment of the home. Stephanie enjoys sharing her spiritual perspectives in her writing, speaking, and consulting services to inspire people further along in their spiritual healing journeys.