Anthony Serna

Empowering Through Self Healing
Anthony talks about how to address emotional concerns in order to heal the mind, body, and soul. Learn to recognize and address emotional blockages, as well as how to recognize the divine and empower yourself by doing simple daily exercises.

Anthony-SernaANTHONY SERNA is certified by Gerson Institute as a Gerson Home Care Set Up Assistant and a certified Yoga Teacher. He is passionate about cleansing, detoxing and athletic performance. Ten years ago, Anthony was obese, depressed and an alcoholic. After joining the US Navy, getting married and two years later, divorced, he started drinking heavily and eating junk food. He became more aggressive and depressed, until one day he saw himself in the mirror and realized he had gained so much weight – he was 210lbs. Anthony knew something was wrong inside and needed to make a change. After making small changes in his diet, he noticed that his skin, hair, and nails looked noticeably better; his body became more defined, he felt more confident, and was able to sleep better.

In November 2007, Anthony learned of the Gerson Institute and the Gerson Therapy used to cure Cancer since the 1920’s. It was developed by Dr. Max Gerson, M.D. to cure himself of migraine headaches, then to cure people of tuberculosis, then diabetes, then arthritis, and finally to being used for cancer. The therapy focuses on assisting the body to detoxify, especially the liver. Once the liver is cleaned from obstruction, it becomes very efficient at cleaning the blood which in turn cleanses the entire body. Anthony studied at the Gerson Institute and became certified to assist people with terminal cancer and other degenerative diseases using the Gerson Therapy.

Anthony was fortunate to get involved in a home based business that was growing. He sold all of his investments, left the Navy in November of 2009 and traveled and lived in Thailand and in different parts of the world helping a children’s home in Thailand and helping people reverse cancer and other diseases. He has continued helping people reverse degenerative diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, stage IV lung cancer, stage IV prostate cancer, stage IV breast cancer, stage IV ovarian cancer, hepatitis, obesity, fibromyalgia, acne, eczema, and more.

Anthony Serna has transitioned from 100% plant based diet to raw high plant based with more concentration towards watery, sweet fruits, occasionally fasting from time to time, practicing yoga daily, running at least 10+ miles a day, and calisthenics.



